Weather in the Canaries

The Canary Islands sit off the coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean and serve up a climate that is hard to beat. Around these parts, temperatures stay cozy all year round—think 18 to 24°C on average. This keeps everyone smiling, whether they’re hitting the beach in December or July

Rain here isn’t much of a buzzkill either; it drops by sparingly mostly during winter months but never overstays its welcome. For those who are fans of numbers: some spots only see rain roughly seven days each year! Thanks to being surrounded by ocean waters and kissed by trade winds from the northeast, humidity stays comfortable too—not too sticky but just right for adventures outdoors or lounging at one of those resorts you’ve seen in postcards.

But wait…it gets cooler (well, not literally). The Canary Islands boast something called microclimates which mean you can enjoy different weathers within short distances! You could start your day sunbathing on a warm sandy beach and end it


The Canary Islands have a cozy climate all year, with temperatures between 18 to 24°C, making it perfect for beach days anytime.


Rain is rare in the Canary Islands, especially in Fuerteventura which gets the least rain and enjoys more sun than its island neighbors.

Average Temperatures and Precipitation

So, let’s talk about the weather on the Canary Islands because, hey, that’s pretty crucial if you’re planning a trip, right? I mean, who doesn’t want to know if they’ll get sun or rain on their holiday?

Okay, first up, we’ve got average temperatures and rainfall. Let’s lay it out in an easy-to-read way because, honestly, who has time for long paragraphs when you’re dreaming about your next vacation spot?


Season Average Temperature (°C) Precipitation (mm)
Spring 18-22 Low
Summer 22-24 Very Low
Fall 22-24 Medium
Winter 18-21 Medium to High


Now, let me break it down for you—average temperatures on these beautiful islands range between 18 to 24°C all year round. Pretty awesome, right? It means no matter when you drop by, it’s going to be warm enough for beach days and exploring. And the rain? Well, it doesn’t rain much here, but winter can get a few showers. Yet, even then, it’s still warm enough to enjoy a swim in the sea.

So, if you’re seeking sunshine, any time is a good time in the Canaries. But if you want to dodge the rain, maybe aim for summer. It’s practically rain-free. And remember, the islands closer to Africa are your go-to for warmer and drier weather.

And there you have it—the scoop on the average temperatures and rainfall in the Canary Islands. Whether you’re a sun worshipper or a mild-weather friend, this place has got you covered.

Seasonal Weather in the Canary Islands

Oh, the Canary Islands! A place where the sun feels like a warm hug all year round. Whether you’re planning to hit the beaches in summer or escape the cold winter back home, these islands have got you covered.

In summer, imagine yourself basking under a blazing sun, with sea breezes that feel like nature’s own air conditioning. Come winter, while folks back home are shivering, you’ll still need your sunscreen here – yes, it’s that sunny!

Summer Weather

I love heading to the Canary Islands in summer. Let me tell you, the weather is just perfect for anyone wanting to escape extreme heat. The islands bless us with up to ten hours of bright sun each day.

Imagine that! You can soak up all the vitamin D you want without worrying about getting too hot.

The temperature during this time floats around a comfortable 18 to 24°C (that’s about 64 to 75°F). It’s ideal for exploring gran canaria and dipping into those inviting sea temperatures without turning into a lobster.

And speaking from experience, nothing beats watching the sunset over Maspalomas or taking an evening stroll along las palmas with such moderate weather keeping you company.

Winter Weather

So, you might wonder what winter’s like in the Canary Islands. Well, it’s pretty amazing. Sure, there might be a few showers here and there, but guess what? It stays warm enough to jump into the sea any day of the year.

The cool current and those constant trade winds from the northeast keep things feeling just right—not too hot, not too cold.

And oh—the water temperatures! They’re like this gentle hug from the ocean itself, making you want to stay in forever—or at least until your fingers get all pruny. With that bit of rain we do get, everything around gets this vibrant splash of green that’s just stunning against the island landscapes.

So yeah, wrapping up in a light sweater maybe after sunset is about as “wintery” as it gets here—and I’m not complaining one bit!

Microclimates and Trade Winds

I’ve got to tell you about the cool weather in the Canary Islands, thanks to something called microclimates and trade winds. These islands get breezes from the northeast that really mix things up.

Because of these winds, some parts of an island can be sunny and warm while another part just a few miles away might be cooler or even have misty clouds – all at the same time! It’s like each little area has its own personal weatherman deciding what it’s going to be like for the day. 

The Canary Islands: where one island offers a world of climates.

 Those mountains on the islands? They’re not just pretty to look at. They help create these mini-climates by blocking or slowing down those breezes, which means places on the windward side (the side facing the wind) get more moisture and turn lush green.

Meanwhile, areas on leeward sides (facing away from the wind) tend to be drier, sometimes even looking semi-desert-like. That’s why I never pack just shorts when I visit – gotta be ready for anything!

Some common questions about the weather on the Canaries

What island is the warmest

o, let’s talk about the warmest island in the Canaries. You know, I always chase the sun wherever it leads me—and this time, it led me to Fuerteventura. This place is just a hop away from Africa.

Because of that, it gets extra love from the sun more than its siblings in the Canary Islands. It’s like summer here doesn’t want to leave.

Walking around Fuerteventura feels like being hugged by warmth all day long. The island sits closer to Morocco and just catches all those sunny rays better than anywhere else I’ve been around here.

From my own trips, mornings start with this gentle warmth and by noon, you’re reaching for your hat because oh boy—does it get sunny! Evenings? They are mild and perfect for a stroll along Santa Cruz or Los Cristianos’ beaches without needing a sweater.

So yeah, if you’re looking for where the thermostat seems stuck on “warm”, Fuerteventura’s your spot in Islas Canarias.

What island has the best windsurfing

Moving from the warmest islands, let’s chat about where I can catch some serious waves. You guessed it – windsurfing! And if you’re eyeing the Canary Islands for that, Fuerteventura is your go-to spot.

This place isn’t just good; it’s considered the top pick for riding those breezy waves.

I found myself standing on the sandy beaches of this stunning island, windsurf in hand, ready to tackle the ocean. The wind here? Perfect. It’s like Fuerteventura has its own connection with the elements – providing just right conditions for both beginners and pros to enjoy a day out on the water.

Honestly, trying to stay upright while catching those gusts became my favorite challenge…and believe me, there were plenty of laughs along the way!

What island has the least rain

So, you’re wondering which Canary Island to pick for your sunny getaway? I’ve got the inside scoop. Fuerteventura is your best bet if you want to dodge those pesky rain clouds. This island sits close to Africa and enjoys less rain than its buddies in the archipelago.

It’s not just about dodging showers here; it’s a haven for sun-seekers.

Thanks to its position and the Sahara nearby, Fuerteventura has this cool semi-desert vibe going on. You’ll find vast stretches of sand dunes that feel more like stepping into a Saharan postcard than a European island spot.

And with fewer rainy days, every day feels like the perfect beach day! So, grab that sunscreen – lots of sunshine hours guaranteed here.